According to BJP SC morcha President Pritam Singh and General Secretary Kuldip Mehra, the way Congress party youth wing President H S Lucky used caste based abuses against some people in Mauli Jagran two days back has created a wave of anger in the entire community against Congress party and we have decided to apprise all our members about the attitude of congress leaders through this rally.
BJP leaders said the Congress candidate for Chandigarh Parliamentary constituency is being helped by such people who themselves or their family members have criminal past. Some of these have faced charges of dacoity or tempering with educational certificates against them and are still facing court proceedings. This shows the real face of Congress party of which Mr Pawan Bansal is a leader. This party is polluting the atmosphere of the city. He accused Mr Pawan Bansal with holding public meetings near religious places where congress leaders appeal to Muslims to vote for congress party. Recently congress leaders have used caste based abuses against members of SC.
The BJP leaders said they have decided to take this matter to the people’s court to expose the true face of Congress party.
BJP leaders said the Congress candidate for Chandigarh Parliamentary constituency is being helped by such people who themselves or their family members have criminal past. Some of these have faced charges of dacoity or tempering with educational certificates against them and are still facing court proceedings. This shows the real face of Congress party of which Mr Pawan Bansal is a leader. This party is polluting the atmosphere of the city. He accused Mr Pawan Bansal with holding public meetings near religious places where congress leaders appeal to Muslims to vote for congress party. Recently congress leaders have used caste based abuses against members of SC.
The BJP leaders said they have decided to take this matter to the people’s court to expose the true face of Congress party.
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